The ComMod class duplicates the data structures in the Fortran COMMOD module defined in MOD.f. More...
#include <ComMod.h>
Public Attributes | |
bool | dFlag = false |
Whether there is a requirement to update mesh and Dn-Do variables. More... | |
bool | mvMsh = false |
Whether mesh is moving. More... | |
bool | saveAve = false |
Whether to averaged results. More... | |
bool | saveVTK = false |
Whether to save to VTK files. More... | |
bool | savedOnce = false |
Whether any file being saved. More... | |
bool | sepOutput = false |
Whether to use separator in output. More... | |
bool | stFileFlag = false |
Whether start from beginning or from simulations. More... | |
bool | stFileRepl = false |
Whether to overwrite restart file or not. More... | |
bool | resetSim = false |
Restart simulation after remeshing. More... | |
bool | ichckIEN = false |
Check IEN array for initial mesh. More... | |
bool | zeroAve = false |
Reset averaging variables from zero. More... | |
bool | cmmInit = false |
Whether CMM equation is initialized. More... | |
bool | cmmVarWall = false |
Whether variable wall properties are used for CMM. More... | |
bool | shlEq = false |
Whether shell equation is being solved. More... | |
bool | pstEq = false |
Whether PRESTRESS is being solved. More... | |
bool | sstEq = false |
Whether velocity-pressure based structural dynamics solver is used. More... | |
bool | iCntct = false |
Whether to detect and apply any contact model. More... | |
bool | ibFlag = false |
Whether any Immersed Boundary (IB) treatment is required. More... | |
bool | bin2VTK = false |
Postprocess step - convert bin to vtk. More... | |
bool | usePrecomp = false |
Whether to use precomputed state-variable solutions. More... | |
int | cDmn = 0 |
Current domain. More... | |
int | cEq = 0 |
Current equation. More... | |
int | cTS = 0 |
Current time step. More... | |
std::array< double, 3 > | timeP |
int | startTS = 0 |
Starting time step. More... | |
int | dof = 0 |
Current equation degrees of freedom. More... | |
int | gtnNo = 0 |
Global total number of nodes, across all meshes (total) and all procs (global) More... | |
int | nEq = 0 |
Number of equations. More... | |
int | nFacesLS = 0 |
Number of faces in the LHS passed to FSILS. More... | |
int | nMsh = 0 |
Number of meshes. More... | |
int | nsd = 0 |
Number of spatial dimensions. More... | |
int | nTS = 0 |
Number of time steps. More... | |
int | nITs = 0 |
Number of initialization time steps. More... | |
int | recLn = 0 |
stFiles record length More... | |
int | saveATS = 0 |
Start saving after this number of time step. More... | |
int | saveIncr = 0 |
Increment in saving solutions. More... | |
std::array< int, 7 > | stamp |
Stamp ID to make sure simulation is compatible with stFiles. More... | |
int | stFileIncr = 0 |
Increment in saving restart file. More... | |
int | tDof = 0 |
Total number of degrees of freedom per node. More... | |
int | tnNo = 0 |
Total number of nodes (total number of nodes on current processor across all meshes) More... | |
int | rsTS = 0 |
Restart Time Step. More... | |
int | nsymd = 0 |
Number of stress values to be stored. More... | |
double | dt = 0.0 |
Time step size. More... | |
double | precompDt = 0.0 |
Time step size of the precomputed state-variables. More... | |
double | time = 0.0 |
Time. More... | |
std::string | iniFilePath |
Initialization file path. More... | |
std::string | saveName |
Saved output file name. More... | |
std::string | stFileName |
Restart file name. More... | |
std::string | stopTrigName |
Stop_trigger file name. More... | |
std::string | precompFileName |
Precomputed state-variable file name. More... | |
std::string | precompFieldName |
Precomputed state-variable field name. More... | |
Vector< int > | colPtr |
Column pointer (for sparse LHS matrix structure) Modified in: lhsa() More... | |
Vector< int > | dmnId |
Domain ID. More... | |
Vector< int > | ltg |
Local to global pointer tnNo --> gtnNo. More... | |
Vector< int > | rowPtr |
Row pointer (for sparse LHS matrix structure) Modified in: lhsa() More... | |
Vector< int > | idMap |
Array that maps global node id to rowN in the matrix Modified in: lhsa() More... | |
Vector< int > | cmmBdry |
Boundary nodes set for CMM initialization and for zeroing-out non-wall nodal displacements. More... | |
Vector< int > | iblank |
IB: iblank used for immersed boundaries (1 => solid, 0 => fluid) More... | |
Array< double > | Ao |
Old time derivative of variables (acceleration); known result at current time step. More... | |
Array< double > | An |
New time derivative of variables (acceleration); unknown result at next time step. More... | |
Array< double > | Do |
Old integrated variables (displacement) More... | |
Array< double > | Dn |
New integrated variables (displacement) More... | |
Array< double > | R |
Residual vector. More... | |
Array< double > | Val |
LHS matrix. More... | |
Array< double > | x |
Position vector of mesh nodes (in ref config) More... | |
Array< double > | Yo |
Old variables (velocity); known result at current time step. More... | |
Array< double > | Yn |
New variables (velocity); unknown result at next time step. More... | |
Array< double > | Bf |
Body force. More... | |
Array< double > | Ad |
Time derivative of displacement. More... | |
Array< double > | Rd |
Residual of the displacement equation. More... | |
Array< double > | Kd |
LHS matrix for displacement equation. More... | |
Array< double > | pS0 |
Variables for prestress calculations. More... | |
Array< double > | pSn |
Vector< double > | pSa |
Vector< double > | Pinit |
Temporary storage for initializing state variables. More... | |
Array< double > | Vinit |
Array< double > | Dinit |
Array< double > | varWallProps |
CMM-variable wall properties: 1-thickness, 2-Elasticity modulus. More... | |
cplBCType | cplBC |
Coupled BCs structures used for multidomain simulations. More... | |
std::vector< eqType > | eq |
All data related to equations are stored in this container. More... | |
fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_lhsType | lhs |
FSILS data structure to produce LHS sparse matrix. More... | |
std::vector< mshType > | msh |
All the meshes are stored in this variable. More... | |
chnlType | std |
Input/output to the screen is handled by this structure. More... | |
chnlType | err |
chnlType | wrn |
chnlType | dbg |
ioType | io |
To group above channels. More... | |
cmType | cm |
The general communicator. More... | |
rmshType | rmsh |
Remesher type. More... | |
cntctModelType | cntctM |
Contact model type. More... | |
ibType | ib |
IB: Immersed boundary data structure. More... | |
bool | debug_active = false |
Timer | timer |
The ComMod class duplicates the data structures in the Fortran COMMOD module defined in MOD.f.
The data members here are the global variables exposed by the COMMOD module.
Array<double> ComMod::Ad |
Time derivative of displacement.
Array<double> ComMod::An |
New time derivative of variables (acceleration); unknown result at next time step.
Array<double> ComMod::Ao |
Old time derivative of variables (acceleration); known result at current time step.
Array<double> ComMod::Bf |
Body force.
bool ComMod::bin2VTK = false |
Postprocess step - convert bin to vtk.
int ComMod::cDmn = 0 |
Current domain.
int ComMod::cEq = 0 |
Current equation.
cmType ComMod::cm |
The general communicator.
Vector<int> ComMod::cmmBdry |
Boundary nodes set for CMM initialization and for zeroing-out non-wall nodal displacements.
bool ComMod::cmmInit = false |
Whether CMM equation is initialized.
bool ComMod::cmmVarWall = false |
Whether variable wall properties are used for CMM.
cntctModelType ComMod::cntctM |
Contact model type.
Vector<int> ComMod::colPtr |
Column pointer (for sparse LHS matrix structure) Modified in: lhsa()
cplBCType ComMod::cplBC |
Coupled BCs structures used for multidomain simulations.
int ComMod::cTS = 0 |
Current time step.
bool ComMod::dFlag = false |
Whether there is a requirement to update mesh and Dn-Do variables.
Vector<int> ComMod::dmnId |
Domain ID.
Array<double> ComMod::Dn |
New integrated variables (displacement)
Array<double> ComMod::Do |
Old integrated variables (displacement)
int ComMod::dof = 0 |
Current equation degrees of freedom.
double ComMod::dt = 0.0 |
Time step size.
std::vector<eqType> ComMod::eq |
All data related to equations are stored in this container.
int ComMod::gtnNo = 0 |
Global total number of nodes, across all meshes (total) and all procs (global)
ibType ComMod::ib |
IB: Immersed boundary data structure.
bool ComMod::ibFlag = false |
Whether any Immersed Boundary (IB) treatment is required.
Vector<int> ComMod::iblank |
IB: iblank used for immersed boundaries (1 => solid, 0 => fluid)
bool ComMod::ichckIEN = false |
Check IEN array for initial mesh.
bool ComMod::iCntct = false |
Whether to detect and apply any contact model.
Vector<int> ComMod::idMap |
Array that maps global node id to rowN in the matrix Modified in: lhsa()
std::string ComMod::iniFilePath |
Initialization file path.
ioType ComMod::io |
To group above channels.
Array<double> ComMod::Kd |
LHS matrix for displacement equation.
fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_lhsType ComMod::lhs |
FSILS data structure to produce LHS sparse matrix.
Vector<int> ComMod::ltg |
Local to global pointer tnNo --> gtnNo.
std::vector<mshType> ComMod::msh |
All the meshes are stored in this variable.
bool ComMod::mvMsh = false |
Whether mesh is moving.
int ComMod::nEq = 0 |
Number of equations.
int ComMod::nFacesLS = 0 |
Number of faces in the LHS passed to FSILS.
int ComMod::nITs = 0 |
Number of initialization time steps.
int ComMod::nMsh = 0 |
Number of meshes.
int ComMod::nsd = 0 |
Number of spatial dimensions.
int ComMod::nsymd = 0 |
Number of stress values to be stored.
int ComMod::nTS = 0 |
Number of time steps.
Vector<double> ComMod::Pinit |
Temporary storage for initializing state variables.
double ComMod::precompDt = 0.0 |
Time step size of the precomputed state-variables.
std::string ComMod::precompFieldName |
Precomputed state-variable field name.
std::string ComMod::precompFileName |
Precomputed state-variable file name.
Array<double> ComMod::pS0 |
Variables for prestress calculations.
bool ComMod::pstEq = false |
Whether PRESTRESS is being solved.
Array<double> ComMod::R |
Residual vector.
Array<double> ComMod::Rd |
Residual of the displacement equation.
int ComMod::recLn = 0 |
stFiles record length
bool ComMod::resetSim = false |
Restart simulation after remeshing.
rmshType ComMod::rmsh |
Remesher type.
Vector<int> ComMod::rowPtr |
Row pointer (for sparse LHS matrix structure) Modified in: lhsa()
int ComMod::rsTS = 0 |
Restart Time Step.
int ComMod::saveATS = 0 |
Start saving after this number of time step.
bool ComMod::saveAve = false |
Whether to averaged results.
bool ComMod::savedOnce = false |
Whether any file being saved.
int ComMod::saveIncr = 0 |
Increment in saving solutions.
std::string ComMod::saveName |
Saved output file name.
bool ComMod::saveVTK = false |
Whether to save to VTK files.
bool ComMod::sepOutput = false |
Whether to use separator in output.
bool ComMod::shlEq = false |
Whether shell equation is being solved.
bool ComMod::sstEq = false |
Whether velocity-pressure based structural dynamics solver is used.
std::array<int,7> ComMod::stamp |
Stamp ID to make sure simulation is compatible with stFiles.
int ComMod::startTS = 0 |
Starting time step.
chnlType ComMod::std |
Input/output to the screen is handled by this structure.
bool ComMod::stFileFlag = false |
Whether start from beginning or from simulations.
int ComMod::stFileIncr = 0 |
Increment in saving restart file.
std::string ComMod::stFileName |
Restart file name.
bool ComMod::stFileRepl = false |
Whether to overwrite restart file or not.
std::string ComMod::stopTrigName |
Stop_trigger file name.
int ComMod::tDof = 0 |
Total number of degrees of freedom per node.
double ComMod::time = 0.0 |
int ComMod::tnNo = 0 |
Total number of nodes (total number of nodes on current processor across all meshes)
bool ComMod::usePrecomp = false |
Whether to use precomputed state-variable solutions.
Array<double> ComMod::Val |
LHS matrix.
Array<double> ComMod::varWallProps |
CMM-variable wall properties: 1-thickness, 2-Elasticity modulus.
Array<double> ComMod::x |
Position vector of mesh nodes (in ref config)
Array<double> ComMod::Yn |
New variables (velocity); unknown result at next time step.
Array<double> ComMod::Yo |
Old variables (velocity); known result at current time step.
bool ComMod::zeroAve = false |
Reset averaging variables from zero.