Equation type. More...
#include <ComMod.h>
Public Attributes | |
bool | coupled = false |
Should be satisfied in a coupled/uncoupled fashion. More... | |
bool | ok = false |
Satisfied/not satisfied. More... | |
bool | useTLS = false |
Use C++ Trilinos framework for the linear solvers. More... | |
bool | assmTLS = false |
Use C++ Trilinos framework for assembly and for linear solvers. More... | |
int | dof = 0 |
Degrees of freedom. More... | |
int | e = -1 |
Pointer to end of unknown Yo(:,s:e) More... | |
int | s = -1 |
Pointer to start of unknown Yo(:,s:e) More... | |
int | itr = 0 |
Number of performed iterations. More... | |
int | maxItr = 5 |
Maximum iteration for this eq. More... | |
int | minItr = 1 |
Minimum iteration for this eq. More... | |
int | nOutput = 0 |
Number of possible outputs. More... | |
int | nOutIB = 0 |
IB: Number of possible outputs. More... | |
int | nDmn = 0 |
Number of domains. More... | |
int | nDmnIB = 0 |
IB: Number of immersed domains. More... | |
int | nBc = 0 |
Number of BCs. More... | |
int | nBcIB = 0 |
Number of BCs on immersed surfaces. More... | |
int | nBf = 0 |
Number of BFs. More... | |
consts::EquationType | phys = consts::EquationType::phys_NA |
Type of equation fluid/heatF/heatS/lElas/FSI. More... | |
double | af = 0.0 |
More... | |
double | am = 0.0 |
More... | |
double | beta = 0.0 |
More... | |
double | gam = 0.0 |
More... | |
double | iNorm = 0.0 |
Initial norm of residual. More... | |
double | pNorm = 0.0 |
First iteration norm. More... | |
double | roInf = 0.0 |
More... | |
double | tol = 0.0 |
Accepted relative tolerance. More... | |
std::string | sym |
Equation symbol. More... | |
lsType | ls |
type of linear solver More... | |
consts::LinearAlgebraType | linear_algebra_type |
The type of interface to a numerical linear algebra library. More... | |
consts::LinearAlgebraType | linear_algebra_assembly_type |
The type of assembly interface to a numerical linear algebra library. More... | |
consts::PreconditionerType | linear_algebra_preconditioner = consts::PreconditionerType::PREC_FSILS |
The type of preconditioner used by the interface to a numerical linear algebra library. More... | |
LinearAlgebra * | linear_algebra = nullptr |
Interface to a numerical linear algebra library. More... | |
fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_lsType | FSILS |
FSILS type of linear solver. More... | |
std::vector< bcType > | bc |
BCs associated with this equation;. More... | |
std::vector< bcType > | bcIB |
IB: BCs associated with this equation on immersed surfaces. More... | |
std::vector< dmnType > | dmn |
domains that this equation must be solved More... | |
std::vector< dmnType > | dmnIB |
IB: immersed domains that this equation must be solved. More... | |
std::vector< outputType > | output |
Outputs. More... | |
std::vector< outputType > | outIB |
IB: Outputs. More... | |
std::vector< bfType > | bf |
Body force associated with this equation. More... | |
Equation type.
double eqType::af = 0.0 |
double eqType::am = 0.0 |
For second order equations: am = (2.0 - roInf) / (1.0 + roInf) First order equations: am = 0.5 * (3.0 - roInf) / (1.0 + roInf)
bool eqType::assmTLS = false |
Use C++ Trilinos framework for assembly and for linear solvers.
std::vector<bcType> eqType::bc |
BCs associated with this equation;.
std::vector<bcType> eqType::bcIB |
IB: BCs associated with this equation on immersed surfaces.
double eqType::beta = 0.0 |
std::vector<bfType> eqType::bf |
Body force associated with this equation.
bool eqType::coupled = false |
Should be satisfied in a coupled/uncoupled fashion.
std::vector<dmnType> eqType::dmn |
domains that this equation must be solved
std::vector<dmnType> eqType::dmnIB |
IB: immersed domains that this equation must be solved.
int eqType::dof = 0 |
Degrees of freedom.
int eqType::e = -1 |
Pointer to end of unknown Yo(:,s:e)
fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_lsType eqType::FSILS |
FSILS type of linear solver.
double eqType::gam = 0.0 |
double eqType::iNorm = 0.0 |
Initial norm of residual.
int eqType::itr = 0 |
Number of performed iterations.
LinearAlgebra* eqType::linear_algebra = nullptr |
Interface to a numerical linear algebra library.
consts::LinearAlgebraType eqType::linear_algebra_assembly_type |
The type of assembly interface to a numerical linear algebra library.
consts::PreconditionerType eqType::linear_algebra_preconditioner = consts::PreconditionerType::PREC_FSILS |
The type of preconditioner used by the interface to a numerical linear algebra library.
consts::LinearAlgebraType eqType::linear_algebra_type |
The type of interface to a numerical linear algebra library.
lsType eqType::ls |
type of linear solver
int eqType::maxItr = 5 |
Maximum iteration for this eq.
int eqType::minItr = 1 |
Minimum iteration for this eq.
int eqType::nBc = 0 |
Number of BCs.
int eqType::nBcIB = 0 |
Number of BCs on immersed surfaces.
int eqType::nBf = 0 |
Number of BFs.
int eqType::nDmn = 0 |
Number of domains.
int eqType::nDmnIB = 0 |
IB: Number of immersed domains.
int eqType::nOutIB = 0 |
IB: Number of possible outputs.
int eqType::nOutput = 0 |
Number of possible outputs.
bool eqType::ok = false |
Satisfied/not satisfied.
std::vector<outputType> eqType::outIB |
IB: Outputs.
std::vector<outputType> eqType::output |
consts::EquationType eqType::phys = consts::EquationType::phys_NA |
Type of equation fluid/heatF/heatS/lElas/FSI.
double eqType::pNorm = 0.0 |
First iteration norm.
double eqType::roInf = 0.0 |
int eqType::s = -1 |
Pointer to start of unknown Yo(:,s:e)
std::string eqType::sym |
Equation symbol.
double eqType::tol = 0.0 |
Accepted relative tolerance.
bool eqType::useTLS = false |
Use C++ Trilinos framework for the linear solvers.