Todo List
Member CepModBo::u_o
[TODO:DaveP] these guys should be maps map<int,double>.
Namespace mat_fun
[TODO:DaveP] this should just be a namespace?
Member mat_fun::mat_inv_ge_orig (const Array< double > &A, const int nd, bool debug)
[TODO:DaveP] The original version sometimes produced NaNs.
Member nn::get_gip (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] There should just have a single map for mesh and face types.
Member output::output_result (Simulation *simulation, std::array< double, 3 > &timeP, const int co, const int iEq)
NOTE: This is not fully implemented.
Member output::write_results (ComMod &com_mod, const std::array< double, 3 > &timeP, const std::string &fName, const bool sstEq)
[NOTE] not fully implemented.
Member pc_gmres::pc_gmres (fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_lhsType &lhs, fsi_linear_solver::FSILS_subLsType &ls, const int dof, const Array< double > &Val, const Array< double > &R)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member post::ppbin2vtk (Simulation *simulation)
[NOTE] This is not fully implemeted and is not tested, there are no tests in 'svFSI-Tests' for this.
Namespace read_files_ns
[TODO:DaveP] maxOutput=5 is is defined in consts but in the Fortran READEQ subroutine is defined as maxOutput=22.
Member read_files_ns::face_match (ComMod &com_mod, faceType &lFa, faceType &gFa, Vector< int > &ptr)
[TODO:DaveP] this has not been tested.
Member read_msh_ns::check_hex20_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_hex27_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_hex8_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_line_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_quad4_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_tri3_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::check_tri6_conn (mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member read_msh_ns::set_dmn_id_vtk (Simulation *simulation, mshType &mesh, const std::string &file_name, const std::string &kwrd)
[NOTE] Not implemented.
Member set_bc::genBC_Integ_X (ComMod &com_mod, const CmMod &cm_mod, const std::string &genFlag)
[NOTE] not fully implemented.
Member txt_ns::txt (Simulation *simulation, const bool flag)
[NOTE] This is not fully implemented.
Member txt_ns::wtxt (const ComMod &com_mod, CmMod &cm_mod, const eqType &lEq, const int m, const std::array< std::string, 2 > &fName, const Array< double > &tmpV, const std::vector< bool > &wtn, const bool div, const bool pFlag)
TODO:DaveP] not fully implemented.
Member vtk_xml_parser::store_element_ids (vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid > vtk_ugrid, mshType &mesh)
[NOTE] Are element IDs used?