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EquationParameters Class Reference

The EquationParameters class stores parameters for the 'Add_equation' XML element used to specify an equation to be solved (e.g. fluid). More...

#include <Parameters.h>

Inheritance diagram for EquationParameters:

Public Member Functions

void print_parameters ()
void set_values (tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_elem)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ParameterLists
void set_xml_element_name (const std::string &name)
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, const bool value, bool required, Parameter< bool > &param)
 Set the name, default value and the parameter required flag. More...
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, const double value, bool required, Parameter< double > &param)
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< double > value, bool required, VectorParameter< double > &param)
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< int > value, bool required, VectorParameter< int > &param)
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< std::string > value, bool required, VectorParameter< std::string > &param)
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, const int value, bool required, Parameter< int > &param, std::vector< int > range={})
void set_parameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, bool required, Parameter< std::string > &param)
void set_parameter_value (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
 Set the value of a paramter from a string. More...
void check_required ()
 Check if any required parameters have not been set. More...
std::map< std::string, std::string > get_parameter_list ()
 Get the defined parameters as a map of strings. More...
void print_parameter_list ()
 Print the parameters. More...

Public Attributes

Parameter< double > backflow_stabilization_coefficient
Parameter< double > conductivity
Parameter< double > continuity_stabilization_coefficient
Parameter< bool > coupled
Parameter< double > density
Parameter< std::string > dilational_penalty_model
Parameter< double > elasticity_modulus
Parameter< std::string > initialize
Parameter< bool > initialize_rcr_from_flow
Parameter< int > max_iterations
Parameter< int > min_iterations
Parameter< double > momentum_stabilization_coefficient
Parameter< double > penalty_parameter
Parameter< double > poisson_ratio
Parameter< bool > prestress
Parameter< double > source_term
Parameter< double > tolerance
Parameter< std::string > type
Parameter< bool > use_taylor_hood_type_basis
std::vector< BodyForceParameters * > body_forces
std::vector< BoundaryConditionParameters * > boundary_conditions
CoupleCplBCParameters couple_to_cplBC
CoupleGenBCParameters couple_to_genBC
DomainParametersdefault_domain = nullptr
std::vector< DomainParameters * > domains
LinearSolverParameters linear_solver
std::vector< OutputParameters * > outputs
RemesherParameters remesher
VariableWallPropsParameters variable_wall_properties
ViscosityParameters viscosity
ECGLeadsParameters ecg_leads
- Public Attributes inherited from ParameterLists
std::map< std::string, std::variant< Parameter< bool > *, Parameter< double > *, Parameter< int > *, Parameter< std::string > *, VectorParameter< double > *, VectorParameter< int > *, VectorParameter< std::string > * > > params_map
 Map used for storing parameters by name / Parameter template union. More...
std::string xml_element_name = ""

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string xml_element_name_ = "Add_equation"
 Define the XML element name for equation parameters. More...

Detailed Description

The EquationParameters class stores parameters for the 'Add_equation' XML element used to specify an equation to be solved (e.g. fluid).

<Add_equation type="FSI" >
<Coupled> true </Coupled>
<Min_iterations> 1 </Min_iterations>
<Max_iterations> 1 </Max_iterations>

Member Data Documentation

◆ xml_element_name_

const std::string EquationParameters::xml_element_name_ = "Add_equation"

Define the XML element name for equation parameters.

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